Innuos PhoenixUSB
The PhoenixUSB Reclocker takes the USB signal from any source and completely regenerates it to an extremely high-precision signal to feed into your DAC, allowing it to perform at its best.
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The PhoenixUSB offers in one unit the equivalent of 3 separate components: A USB regenerator, a linear power supply and an external master clock with its own linear power supply.
The USB chip regenerating the signal contains no switching regulators. All 3 independent voltages to the chip originate from an independent linear power supply with further regulation provided by 3 sets of LT3045 regulators.
The use of a 3ppb OCXO clock running directly at 24MHz and connected via a board track just a couple of inches away from the USB chip. Therefore, no precision is lost within cables and connectors, as is the case when using an external master 10MHz clock with an additional 24MHz clock generator.
Two independent Statement-level linear power supplies, one dedicated to the OCXO clock and the other used for powering the USB chip/5V USB line.
“High-end USB conditioning usually requires more space, a slew of cables, oddly shaped boxes, and precious outlets. On top of the gear spaghetti, the combined costs of all these components can get very expensive. Some setups will cost more than $8,000 USD just for correcting the USB signal! Well, Innuos had a better idea. They decided to put all the components in a single box – and for only $3,149. You’ll also get the benefit of the shorter signal paths (no extra external cabling), linear power supplies, and much more.”
— Jay Luong
The PhoenixUSB Reclocker can enhance the USB signal from any source and completely regenerate it to an extremely high-precision signal to feed into your DAC, allowing it to perform at its best. The PhoenixUSB offers in one unit the equivalent of what is most commonly available in the market as 3 separate components: USB Reclocker, Linear Power Supply and High-Precision Master Clock with its own linear power supply, that together breathes new life into your DAC and ultimately your music and is an important element of a highly optimized digital audio chain.
The PhoenixUSB includes 3 main design approaches utilized in Innuos’ flagship music server, the STATEMENT:
- The USB chip regenerating the signal contains no switching regulators. All 3 independent voltages to the chip originate from an independent linear power supply with further regulation provided by 3 sets of LT3045 regulators
- The use of a 3ppb OCXO clock running directly at 24MHz and connected via a board track just a couple of inches away from the USB chip. Therefore, no precision is lost within cables and connectors nor with converting the clock frequency to the 24MHz required by USB.
- Two independent Statement level linear power supplies, one dedicated to the OCXO clock and the other used for powering the USB chip/5V USB line.
- The PhoenixUSB in one unit is able to eliminate noise from the signal and increase clocking precision. It improves the performance of any Server and streamer with a USB source, producing a much higher quality and immersive sound. Innuos has replaced an essential component in the digital chain and made it better! For more information on the Innuos PhoenixUSB Reclocker
Review by Alan Sircom
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